Don’t miss out — Come by and see us at Third Space on September 28th!

Nadya N

Primary Instrument – Bass

Secondary Instrument – Vocals

I started learning bass around a year ago and aspire to become a multi-instrumentalist down the road.

This community has been a wonderful place to immerse myself in music and learn as much as possible!

As a listener, I enjoy discovering new music, so my taste shifts every few years. Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Funk (old & new), Acid Jazz, Hip Hop, and K-Pop ✌️.

Outside of music, I’m very passionate about my work! I started my first (hardware) startup when I was 23 and made a switch to fashion (childhood dream) 3 years ago.

There are many difficult days, but I love the challenge of bringing an idea to life growing a company. Excited to hear what you’re passionate about as well!

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